Real Time IR Detection
Real time calculation on your mobile phone
Let us show you , our real time Image Recognition in your frontliner device’s.
Allocating your SKUs and refer to execution guidance in every single category to win your shelf and planogram
We know, the frontliner is not the pro photographer, they want the convinience of Apps and Snaps. We provide you the guidance on every single category.
In seconds, our IR can auto detection the SKUs and auto calculation the OSA and Planogram
In the same time, your management can analyze the report via dashboard
Real-time analysis store reports, Build the perfect store, Win in retail
Don’t let your customer leave to another store even change to another product because your product is not on the shelf.
In-store execution is everything that helps you win in retail, build the perfect store and maximize revenues.
Save your time, view your SKUs in-store through an online dashboard and get the real-time analysis store reports.
Not only captured the SKUs but also tracked POSM, competitor activity, price check, stock check, any surveys, HRIS, and many more.
Real time calculation on your mobile phone
Doing the task even for the calculation in offline mode
Quickly recognized your product and POSM
Leave manual auditing
Driven your sales reps for the perfect store result
Not only tracking your product, we are tracking your visibility, promo and price
Maximize your Sales Reps to Visit and Organized
Provide you BI report dashboard or integration with your internal system